Frequently Asked Questions

When will my website be ready?

We'll send you a list of everything we need from you. When we get all of this information, we usually have websites ready within two weeks. For larger or more complex sites that require additional custom work then this may extend this time slightly but we'll tell you this in advance.

Can I upgrade later on?

Of course! Just let us know when you're ready and we'll change your plan and create the extra areas of your site that you need.

Can I create a custom plan?

If there's something specific you need then talk to us and we may be able to come up with a custom plan for you.

Will my website work on mobiles and tablets?

All of the websites we produce are designed and built to work perfectly on all devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

Does hosting cost extra?

No. We provide and manage the fast and secure hosting on all of our plans.

Where are the websites hosted?

Most of our websites are hosted in the U.K. with backups stored in Germany. If you need to host your website in another location then let us know and we will discuss the options available. Our cloud infrastructure providers are DigitalOcean, AWS, and Cloudflare.

How and when do you take payments?

We take monthly payments on the first day of each month by credit or debit card. This covers service for the rest of the given month.

Can I make changes to my website?

Our plans offer a Content Management System which allows you to update the content on your website. We also offer 30 minutes of content/design changes each month. For more changes, you can buy more time which starts at £50+VAT per hour.

Can you write my website content too?

Yes! We charge £50+VAT per page for an average page. These can also be included as part of your 30 minutes of included time each month.

Can you write blogs for me?

Blogging is a fantastic way to improve your Search Engine Optimisation score, so we offer a blog-writing service to assist with this. We'll also upload and make the blogs live for you. This service starts at £50+VAT per month.

What if I don't need my website anymore?

You can cancel at any time, just give us 30 days notice. We'd prefer to keep you though, so if there's something you're missing or if there's anything we can do to help then just contact us for a chat.

Can I host my website somewhere else?

Our pay-monthly website plans are designed to be hosted with us. We can also quote a fixed price for a website for you to maintain full control and host according to your requirements.

Get started today!

Tell us about your project, and we'll get back in touch to help you.